Our Vision

Up to 550 new quality homes are proposed on the land east of Atherton. With excellent connectivity, new public spaces and a wealth of greenery, this proposed new community is set to become a much needed and welcome addition to Atherton.

The purpose of this consultation is to seek the publics views on the development before an Outline Planning Application is submitted to Wigan Council in the near future. Once an application has been submitted, the Council will consult formally on the plans and you will have a further opportunity to comment.

Illustrative Masterplan

Our Masterplan Vision

In accordance with the Masterplan Document, our proposals will deliver:

Up to 550 high quality new homes on land to the east of the town of Atherton, south of Bolton Road.

Easy and efficient access by car, using a new priority-controlled ghost island right turn on Bolton Road, with emergency access at Marton Drive.

Bolstered public footpaths – The site is on the doorstep of 11 public footpaths and bridleways, and we plan to support this with the addition of new public footpaths and the improvement of those currently in use, most notably the path to Atherton Train Station.

A network of cycleways linking to existing public rights of way and cycling networks.

Ample green spaces, creating both a community amenity and a habitat for wildlife, with new trees and hedgerows included.

An influx of spending power and an additional talent pool to breathe new life into the town centre.

This application will be submitted for planning consideration in February 2025 following the consolidation and inclusion of community feedback.

Should planning permission be granted, we will seek to appoint a developer to deliver the scheme.

It is likely that construction will be delivered in phases.


The outline application will seek approval for up to 550 dwellings with access, all other matters reserved. This means that only the access and number of homes will be approved through this application, with matters relating to landscaping, housing design and layout reserved for future applications.

It is proposed that the primary access to the site will be taken from the existing access off Bolton Road. This access will be widened and improved to accommodate the proposed development, including the introduction of a ghost island right-turn lane off Bolton Road. This will help to protect highway safety.

Sustainable access has been a cornerstone principle in the development of the scheme, and a hierarchy of streets along with public footpaths and cycle connectivity have underpinned the illustrative masterplan design. The vision is to create a development that promotes active and sustainable forms of travel, whilst remaining safe for car users.

The site is also within walking distance of Atherton town centre and Atherton Train Station, making it a highly sustainable place for new residential development.


This will be a well-connected place to live, with access to Bolton Road and onward routes to Wigan, Bolton, Leigh and beyond to nearby Manchester (12 miles) and Liverpool (25 miles).

Bolton Road benefits from several bus services linking Atherton, Leigh, Tyldesley and Bolton. School buses to five local high schools also run via Bolton Road. As the site develops, we would also investigate the opportunity to expand these bus networks.

The wealth of public footpaths and cycleways close to the site will be maintained, connected, and enhanced, where necessary, particularly between the site and Atherton Train Station.

Residents would have easy access to current cycleways, with such routes enhanced significantly as the site develops.


Specific landscaping details are reserved at this current stage, however, landscaping principle have been established and incorporated into the illustrative masterplan. Residents in this new development will benefit from several swathes of green spaces, distributed amongst housing. Public open spaces within the development will be readily accessible to members of the public, providing ample opportunity for play and wellbeing. They will form part of the many elements of the scheme to encourage physical activity and healthy lifestyles. This includes 4.48 hectares of public open space, accounting for almost a quarter of the total site area.

These green spaces will connect to those already in the public realm, sharing the benefits of the scheme with the wider town.

Convenient & Connected Green Spaces

Just 800m from the town of Atherton and 500m from Atherton Train Station, with an expanded network of cycleways, public footpaths, and convenient road links, this will be a usable and accessible place to live. With green spaces dispersed across the site, the scheme is designed to entice and enable residents to enjoy outdoor spaces on their doorstep.

Nature Recovery & Enhancement of Natural Assets

Built into this scheme is a micro-network of green spaces, creating space for play, relaxation, wildlife, and wellbeing. The vision is based on a detailed understanding of the existing landscape, drainage and topography. It ensures that ecology, access and surface water management work together to create quality green spaces. 

A Rich Mix of Housing Types

This proposed site will provide a mix of housing sizes and styles. There will be a focus on providing homes for families and professionals, with opportunities for householders of all ages. The scheme will create a characterful, diverse neighbourhood that meets the needs of the entire community.

Economic Boost

With the spending power of 550 new households, Atherton town centre stands to benefit from a significant financial boost. The scheme will also support the local economy by creating new jobs, both in the construction and ongoing maintenance of the development.

These proposals place sustainability at their heart.

Its presence in the town is designed to sustain local jobs, infrastructure, and the economy. Whether walking, cycling, or driving, residents will be able to access and support a range of local schools, health facilities, food and convenience stores, employment opportunities, leisure and recreational facilities, and green spaces. This means that the site presents a unique opportunity for a sustainable urban extension to the town of Atherton.

Meanwhile, low carbon homes built to maximise natural light and ventilation will incorporate features designed to mitigate and adapt to climate change, in line with key local sustainability policies and the sustainability objectives of the NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework).

The site has a coal mining history, meaning it is brownfield, furthering the suitability of the site for regeneration and new development.


Carefully designed to minimise its impact on the site’s habitat and wildlife, the scheme will protect and enhance local biodiversity. By strengthening habitats at the site’s border, the development will maintain and enrich the mix of biodiversity. Full details relating to Biodiversity Net Gain, in accordance with the required regulations, will be supplied with the planning application.
