Land East of Atherton
Welcome to our Public Consultation

The Lilford Estate is in the process of preparing an outline planning application for up to 550 new homes on land east of Atherton
Tarlton Estates Ltd is in the process of preparing an outline planning application for up to 550 new homes on land east of Atherton
The proposed development sits on land to the east of the town of Atherton, south of Bolton Road. The site extends to approximately 20.85ha (51.52 acres). The site has been safeguarded by Wigan Council for residential development and identified in the Places for Everyone Plan as part of the existing stock of housing land. The site is allocated as a Broad Location for housing within the Wigan Core Strategy (2013). Wigan Council’s Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (ref.0003) has identified that this land could deliver up to 600 new homes by 2039.
We are seeking your views are we look to create a thriving community. Our goal is to design an exciting and desirable new neighbourhood that works in harmony with the local area, supports the town economically, socially and ecologically, and becomes a pleasant and accessible place to live.
On this website, you’ll find the details of the proposal by the landowners, Tarleton Estates Limited, part of the Lilford Estate.
Illustrative Masterplan
This website also provides information about the proposed development, along with our illustrative masterplan which demonstrates how the site could be developed for up to 550 high quality new homes. The masterplan illustrates the developable areas, public open space, public footpaths and cycleways, new green routes through the development and how and where the development will be accessed by primary and secondary routes.
This development represents a significant investment into the town of Atherton, which – based on similar schemes – we know will filter through to benefit those who live and work here. With increased spending in the community, stronger demand for services, and new talent residing here, the town of Atherton stands to gain considerable opportunities from the development.
We hope that you will share your feedback on our plans. Every comment received will inform our planning application and go towards making this development a happy and healthy place to live.